Saturday, August 4, 2012

United Socialist States of America, a Communist Democracy?

I find it very interesting how the Communist Party USA seems to have all the same goals and values of many who claim to be part of the progressive movement or Democrat Party. The Communist movement is cloaked as the "progressive" movement and is an enemy of traditional American values. We're not a collectivist nation; we're a collection of individuals who reside in sovereign states united under a central government with enumerated powers. Our government was not instituted among men for the greater good; our government was instituted to protect the men and women of our country so they can individually support the common good. Our government wasn't created to give us rights; our rights come from something greater than man and our government was created to protect those rights. The United States of America is not a Communist country and Communist values are an anathema to our way of life.

I don't have a problem with Democrats who simply believe different things than me; that would be un-American. What I have a problem with is Democrats who call themselves "patriots" while proclaiming a new form of the same old values of Communism, Collectivism, Marxism, Socialism, Democratic Socialism, etc. The form of Communism that is polluting the country I volunteered my life to defend is cloaked in equality, diversity, fairness, civil rights, and racism and it's called PROGRESSIVE. There is nothing progressive about changing our government to be the same as everyone else in the world. There is no progress in moving to a form of government that has existed since man has existed.

Social dominance theory is more or less the theory that states that humans will naturally form groups. We live in groups, we work in groups, we entertain ourselves in groups, we enjoy watching groups of people compete, we enjoy watching groups of people interact in fictitious situations, and these things have been in our nature since the dawn of man! Even my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, didn't go about his ministry on this earth by himself--he gathered a group of 12 men to go with him on his journey. The unique experiment that is the United States of America doesn't say groups or collections are bad; it simply challenged the thinking that we must exist as groups. The group of people who wrote the founding instructions for our country recognized that the most basic group is the family and the building block of that group is the individual.

I don't hate Communists, I just disagree with the premises they operate under. I don't hate Progressives I disagree with their ideology and approach to our government. I definitely don't hate Democrats; I just disagree with them on issues.

What I don't understand is the progressive way of thinking. I don't understand how the progressives on the left are willing to trade their freedoms for security. I don't understand why they believe that society is better than the individual at solving individual issues. I don’t understand how they are working to fundamentally change what made our country great to begin with?! Finally, what I really don’t understand is how the left tosses around pejoratives like bigot or racist without looking in the mirror. That leads me to the segway to my next post….”Are you a BIGOT for calling me a BIGOT!?”