Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Recessions and depressions are NORMAL

It's a fact that the economy at the end of Clinton's term was getting bad the country was in a recession by January of 2001 (google it.) . Did the recession happen while Bush was President...yes. But economic forces don't shift in three months...Did Bush fix it the right way? NO. He was just as much a Keynesian as Obama is...remember when we all go checks from the government? Stimulus packages from the Fed are RUINING this country and no matter what the consequences, even if it means depression, it needs to happen to right this sinking ship!!!! We are borrowing money from ourselves!?!??!??!?!
The 90's under Clinton were great because he worked with the Republican Congress. The President gets too much credit when things go well and too much blame when they don't. Americans don't think critically enough to understand that most economic policy comes from Congress. The President has a hand in it but spending and taxation comes from Congress. Of the four years Obama has been in President his party controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency for two years and they controlled the Presidency and Senate for the rest of the time. Democrats own our current economic state...they didn't start the fire but when they had a chance to grab an extinguisher, they chose gasoline.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Child's Play

I would bet anyone $100,000,000 (if I had it) that if President Romney were to sign an executive order opening ANWR for exploration, finishing Keystone Pipelines, and increasing exploration offshore in the gulf of Mexico....gas prices would drop a rock in a matter of weeks. Drilling wouldn't even be required....the law of Supply and Demand would take over...the middle east would immediately increase production and lower prices on the mere threat of competition from the USA. It would be good for the entire world...AND it could be the very catalyst to kick start our economy... No Keynesian spending, no QE3, just ONE executive order would get the economy moving again. Then follow that up with a Flat tax or THE FAIR TAX ACT and you'd see the U.S. (and subsequently global) economy JUMP into action!!!! It ain't rocket science and my prayer is that given Romney's business experience he understands these two very simple solutions.THEN repeal Obamacare. THEN strategically shrink the Federal Government by not hiring for attrition in key departments like the Dept of: Energy, Education, IRS, etc. THEN cut spending to any program federal program that has had no quantifiable result in the last 15 years. THEN defund things like the "Ad Council". THEN approve cap-n-trade (CAP Federal spending and TRADE it for State spending for programs that belong at the State level like education and transportation and HHS)...Romney is going to inherit a mess too....will he blame or FIX? Romney could have the economy running the RIGHT WAY in 100 days or less......